How to Trim a Maltese Face

The teddy bear face trim is natural cut.
i Ryan McVay/Lifesize/Getty Images

The shiny white coat and big brown eyes make the Maltese unmistakable among other breeds. However, keeping that coat white requires the not-so-fun task of upkeep. Keeping the eyes clean and giving your pup a simple face trim helps showcase the loveable teddy bear look.

Step 1

Wash and clean your Maltese pup’s body and face with a whitening shampoo made for white dogs. Clean under her eyes -- where tear stains often occur -- with a warm washcloth. If necessary, use a commercial tear stain remover available at your local pet store.

Step 2

Dry your Maltese’s face with a towel. Blow dry her body and allow her face to completely dry before trimming. Comb her face and ears with a metal comb.

Step 3

Hold your blunt-end scissors in one hand and tip your pup’s chin up with the other one. Trim the hair under her chin about 1/4 to 1/2 inch.

Step 4

Trim her mustache evenly on each side. Take off about 1/4 inch on each side of her nose.

Step 5

Cut the hair on his cheeks even with his mustache. Give the hair a rounded look by starting at the edge of his nose and cutting towards his throat.

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