How to Keep a Cocker Spaniel's Hair Fluffy

This is one way to have a bath.
i DOG Shaking off Water image by Renata Lauermann from

The lovely silky coat of a cocker spaniel doesn’t always stay like that for long. The combination of longish hair and an inquisitive, active nature can lead to a tangled, muddy and matted coat. Unless, that is, you groom him properly.

Step 1

Brush your dog from head to toe at least …times a week. Use a stiff bristle brush or wire pin brush, which are suitable for longer coats. If you come across a tangle, use a metal comb to carefully remove it.

Step 2

Bathe him about once every 6 weeks, not more often. Get your shower running lukewarm water, place your dog in the cubicle and wet his fur.

Step 3

Lather dog shampoo into his fur, avoiding his face and leaving the ears for later. Rinse with the shower attachment being careful that suds do not enter his ears, eyes or mouth. Wipe the fur-covered outer side of his ears with a wet cloth.

Step 4

Repeat the shampooing process with dog conditioner, let him shake and towel him dry. Comb through his fur to stop tangles developing

Step 5

Blow dry his coat with a hairdryer set to the coolest, lowest setting. This gets his coat dry faster and makes it look extra fluffy. If he is not comfortable with the sound and feeling of a hairdryer, get him used to it over a period of several weeks, starting by turning it on briefly a good distance from him and gradually bringing it nearer and keeping it on for longer. Reward him with treats and lots of petting so that he associates a hairdryer with a thoroughly enjoyable experience. You might need to take the same approach to bath time -- cocker spaniels often love swimming but are not so certain of showers.

Step 6

Take him for a haircut every few months. Cocker spaniels don't need as much clipping as, say, a poodle but their coat still needs the occasional trim.

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