Teaching Corgis How to Shake Paws

Shaking paws is an easy trick for the corgi.
i corgi image by Cindy Haggerty from Fotolia.com

Corgis are quick-to-train dogs who love to please their families. This little gentleman of a dog will amaze you as he quickly catches on to the gratification you receive from his shaking your hand. This trick is easy enough for children to teach your corgi.

Step 1

Start in a sitting position. If you haven't taught the sit position, put your corgi on a leash and put a treat in front of his nose. Bring the treat over his head and as his nose follows the treat and his butt hits the ground to keep his balance, say, “Sit.” Give the treat and lots of praise. Practice sitting several times per day until your corgi masters this command before moving to “Shake hands.”

Step 2

Kneel facing your sitting corgi. Hold the treat in front of his nose so he gets a good smell of the reward. Tickle the back of your dog's paw pads with your empty hand. Most dogs are ticklish and will lift their paws. As your corgi lifts his paw, say, “Shake” and gently put his paw in your empty hand. Say, “Good shake!” in a high-pitched voice as you give him the treat. If he is not ticklish, gently lift his paw from the ground while giving the “Shake” command and follow the same steps. Repeat several times.

Step 3

Say, “Shake,” but do not reach for his paw. If your corgi lifts his paw, give him praise using your cheerleading voice and shower him with treats.

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