How Does Spaying a Cat Help With Behavior Issues?

Spaying often makes for a calmer, happier kitty.
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When a female cat isn't spayed, her heat cycles become an inevitable part of her life, as well as yours. During heat, you may notice that your usually relaxed and mellow cat suddenly is an anxious, irritable ball of nerves. Fortunately, spaying usually takes care of that.

Escape Artistry

Wandering and roaming behaviors are in no way exclusive to tomcats. Queens also get antsy and restless during heat, in a big way. After you spay your cat, you may notice that she seems a lot more content just to be at home. Her raging hormones won't keep her preoccupied like before. You also won't have to deal with her nonstop escape artistry attempts anymore, so you'll be able to breathe a huge sigh of relief. The last thing you need is to have your poor cat pawing obsessively at your windows and doors all night.


If you're like most people, and appreciate a relaxed and quiet night's sleep, then spaying your cat may be able to open up a whole new world of serenity for you. When a cat goes into heat every couple of weeks or so, she may become increasingly vocal, especially when it's dark out. These yowling, meowing and crying vocalizations basically are a call out to tomcats. Your sly female is communicating with them from a distance, telling them that she's in season and ready to mate. Uh oh! Once you spay your cat, she will no longer go into heat, and, therefore, no longer be as vocal. She won't feel compelled to notify the neighborhood tomcats of her availability. Goodbye racket and hello sweet relief.

Urine Spraying

If the mere thought of your cat spraying your home makes you shudder in frustration and stress, then spaying may be an effective way either to prevent or stop the behavior. Urine spraying is not necessarily a misbehavior, however, but rather an instinct. Like for male cats, urine spraying is an attraction technique. If you're sick of cleaning up persistent and lingering wet patches throughout your home, get your fluff ball spayed. Remember, though, the earlier you spay your kitty, the better chance you have of her completely abandoning the behavior. Talk to your vet regarding the safest and most appropriate age for getting your cutie fixed.


When a female cat goes into heat, her intense drive to mate may turn her into an irritable, anxious ball of nerves. She may even exhibit some uncharacteristic aggressive behavior toward you, whether she swats your hand when you try to touch her or hisses and growls. Spaying your kitty likely will throw all of these troubling behavioral patterns out of the window, especially after some time.

Not only can spaying a cat improve her behavior, it also can enhance her health and longevity -- a wonderful benefit. The ASPCA states that spaying eliminates the danger of uterine and ovarian cancers, along with drastically decreasing the chance of breast cancer. Also, remember that spaying a cat is a responsible and loving way to prevent cat overpopulation in your area from getting out of hand.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

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