Signs of Labor in Pregnant Cats

Take charge of your cat's pregnancy and health.
i Michael Blann/Lifesize/Getty Images

As intuitive and savvy as we may believe our cats are, they can't vocalize in the same manner as humans. Because of that, it can be tough to determine whether a cat is ready to deliver her litter. Don't remain clueless and in the dark -- learn the telltale signs.


If your queen starts behaving unusually nervous and on edge, it may be a sign that she's ready to go into labor. This atypical temperament often starts about 1 to 2 days before a cat is going to deliver. A pregnant cat may express her anxiety by pacing frequently.


Cats often have a feel for when they are right about to give birth, and as a result they begin the nesting process. A nesting cat will begin searching for a quiet, dimly lit, comfortable and secluded haven where she can birth and care for her litter in peace and calm.


Even if your cat normally is aloof and detached, she may begin behaving uncharacteristically affectionate and friendly when she is about to go into labor. Think of all your favorite feline "kisses," from her rubbing up against your leg to headbutting you.


Right before labor, you may notice that your cat is licking herself excessively, particularly in the genital region and around her lower belly. This also may be accompanied by total appetite loss.


Your normally quiet and serene kitty also may become significantly louder in the very late stage of pregnancy before labor -- much to your chagrin. Persistent howling, crying and meowing all may be indications that labor is imminent. She also may begin breathing rapidly and panting as if she's overheated and thirsty!

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

the nest
