What Does "Seal Point Cat" Mean?

The seal point is one recognized coloration of colorpointed cats.
i Russell Illig/Photodisc/Getty Images

Those impish Siamese cats from the Disney classic "Lady and the Tramp" are well-known members of the seal point club. Seal point designates a cat's physical appearance rather than one specific breed of cat. Take pride in knowing your seal point kitty's features are distinguishing markings with a history.

Seal Point

Seal point refers to the coloration of certain types of cats. A seal point cat has a beige or fawn colored body and dark brown legs, ears and a tail. The paw pads and nose pad will be brown on a seal point, and the eyes will be deep blue.


Seal point may look similar to two other recognized color points: chocolate point and tortie point. A chocolate point cat has milk chocolate limbs, compared with the blackish-brown of a seal point. Check Kitty's nose and paw pads for clues. A chocolate point will have pinkish paw pads, compared to the seal's brown pads. The tortie point has orange and brown coloration on limbs and mottled paw pads, compared to the plain brown pads for a seal cat.

Types of Cats

Generally, seal point coloration occurs in purebred cats, including the Siamese, Himalayan and ragdoll. In the 1940s to 1950s, breeders created shorthaired cats with color points by breeding a Siamese to an American shorthair. The resulting colorpoint shorthair cat comes in seal point color too. While domestic shorthairs can display seal point coloration, it's far less common.

Time Frame

When born, kittens have pale pink paw pads and creamy white skin. The seal point coloring develops in the first few weeks of a kitten's life. A splotch of brown color on the nose should appear within the first two weeks. It can take a full year for the remainder of the seal point markings to really become apparent.

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