Are Eggs Healthy for Dogs?

Eggs can be a healthy part of a dog's diet.
i hen's eggs and quail's eggs image by Maria Brzostowska from

Eggs are a favorite staple at human breakfast tables everywhere, and your dog can benefit from eggs too. Eggs offer valuable nutrients and can be an important supplement to a healthy, balanced dog diet.

Dog Diet Basics

There is some debate among veterinarians about whether dogs are omnivores or carnivores. However, most veterinarians agree that dogs need high quantities of protein for optimal health, according to veterinarian Tom Lonsdale in his book, "Work Wonders: Feed Your Dog Raw Meaty Bones." Some owners opt to feed their dog homemade diets including raw food diets and cooked meat. However, you don't have to feed your dog a homemade diet to give him eggs. Eggs are an excellent supplement to a prepackaged diet.

Benefits of Eggs

Eggs are extremely high in animal protein, which is an important part of any balanced dog diet. The fatty acids in eggs offer numerous health benefits, including an improvement in skin and coat health. Eggs can reduce flaky, dry skin and increase the shine in your dog's coat.

Feeding Eggs

Dogs can eat raw eggs, including the shell. Simply crack an egg in your dog's bowl and crumble up the shell. Dogs have a significantly lower risk of e. coli and salmonella because of their short, reduced digestive tracts. If you're concerned about feeding raw eggs, try giving your dog hard-boiled eggs chopped into bite-sized pieces or scrambled eggs without butter or cheese.


Dogs with cancer, infections and other serious health problems should not eat raw eggs, as their immune system may be weaker. Eggs are high in fat, so overweight dogs should only get eggs every week or so. While eggs are a healthy part of a dog's diet, they should not be your dog's primary source of nutrition. Feed eggs a few times a week along with high-quality prepackaged foods or meat-based diets.

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