Homemade Dog Food for a German Shepherd

German shepherds are attentive and eager to please their humans.
i german shepherd image by Vaida from Fotolia.com

Preparing homemade dog food is time-consuming, but the extra work can be worthwhile, especially if you have German shepherds. These intelligent, loving and fascinating dogs are genetically predisposed to numerous diseases. Families with healthy German shepherds and those whose shepherds have medical conditions are discovering various benefits of homemade diets.

Diet and Health

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german shepherd puppy image by Jeff from Fotolia.com

Feeding your German shepherd appropriate homemade meals throughout her life may increase her odds of staying healthy. Prevalent in German shepherds are autoimmune diseases, allergies and skin problems, and digestive disorders that can result in gastrointestinal ailments and food intolerances. Some veterinarians, including Dr. Karen Becker, an integrative wellness veterinarian who wrote Dr. Becker's Real Food for Healthy Dogs & Cats, believe that a balanced fresh food diet containing no preservatives, additives and artificial coloring contributes to managing diseases that afflict illness-prone breeds such as German shepherds.

Balanced Meals

If you decide to prepare homemade dog food for your shepherd, it is essential to properly balance the ingredients. Even when feeding fresh, high-quality individual foods, unbalanced meals can damage your dog's health. In addition to fresh food, which contains most of the nutrients your dog needs, homemade meals might require certain vitamins and supplements. Ask your veterinarian or a veterinary nutritionist to help you create a specific diet that you will follow and your German shepherd will thrive on.


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Shaking off shepherd. image by wrangler from Fotolia.com

People who feed their German shepherds homemade dog food typically use meat, poultry or fish as main ingredients. Muscle meat, organ meat and meaty bones are proteins that contribute to balanced, nutritionally complete meals. Other protein sources in home-prepared meals might include plain yogurt, cottage cheese or eggs. You will need to decide whether to cook the meat and other ingredients, feed an entirely raw diet, or combine raw and cooked foods. Consult your veterinary health practitioner, do research and learn about the ongoing controversy about raw food diets for dogs.

Vegetables and Fruits

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carrot, broccoli and beans image by Brett Mulcahy from Fotolia.com

Homemade dog food recipes can include fresh vegetables and fruits, including dark leafy greens, carrots, cooked sweet potatoes and high-antioxidant fruits such as berries. The digestibility and nutritional value of vegetables and fruits increase when you puree them or lightly steam them. Whole, raw vegetables will not harm dogs who enjoy fresh or frozen green beans, carrots and other vegetables as treats or chewy snacks. Never let dogs eat tomatoes, avocado, garlic, onions, grapes, raisins, macadamia nuts and chocolate. These foods are toxic and dangerous for dogs.

Grains and Commercial Pet Food

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rex image by Carolyn Agardy from Fotolia.com

Veterinarians specializing in nutrition and wellness recommend preparing homemade dog foods because they closely mimic the biological and nutritional requirements of the dogs' ancestors. Some dog families turned to homemade food during the 2007 recall and subsequent recalls of contaminated commercial pet food. Another reason is that dogs have short digestive tracts that are not designed to efficiently digest grains or absorb their nutrients. Many commercial foods contain grains like wheat, soy and corn, which are difficult for a German shepherd's sensitive system to digest and may cause allergies and skin disorders.

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