How to Stop Dogs From Chewing Wood

End the bad chewing behavior.
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It can be frustrated to come home and see that your coffee table has been mauled by your new puppy. While you might think that this is just a stage your puppy is going through, this is a problem you need to address.

Determine Why Your Dog is Chewing

Some dogs chew out of boredom, while others chew because they are teething. There are even those that chew due to separation anxiety. It could also be a combination of all three. If you have a puppy, there's a good chance it's because of teething and the poor little guy is in pain. If the dog is past the teething stage, he's probably just bored. Those that chew due to separation anxiety simply miss you while you're away.

Keep the Dog Entertained

Dogs can become bored quite easily, especially if you have a breed that was bred to hunt or otherwise be active. Without proper activities, your dog may resort to chewing on wood to easy his boredom. It's also important to keep dogs that suffer from separation anxiety entertained while you're gone. Try leaving the TV on and making sure the dog has plenty of toys to keep her company.

Provide Chew Treats and Toys

Chew treats and toys can be a wonderful remedy for all chewing problems. Not only do chew toys keep dogs entertained, but they also help with teething. This means your dog won't feel bored, lonely or in pain. There are a number of chew treats and toys available in all pet stores, and most are labeled with information on which breeds most suited for their use.

Make the Furniture Taste Bad

No dog wants to chew on something that tastes bad, no matter how bored he is. There are products on the market made especially for this purpose. All you do is spray the furniture and your dog will quickly get an idea that the furniture isn't meant for chewing. You can also mix one-part vinegar with six-parts water for a home remedy.

Correct the Behavior with a Firm "No!"

If you're able to catch the dog in the act of chewing, give a firm "no" command. This may take several attempts, but when combined with the steps above, you'll have a better chance of correcting the behavior. The important thing is to be consistent and act immediately. You don't have to yell, just be firm and let the dog know you mean business.

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