Where Should I Place My Cockatiel's Cage?

In the wild, your cockatiel would perch as high as possible.
i Hemera Technologies/AbleStock.com/Getty Images

Loving, expressive and cuddly cockatiels make exceptional pet birds. Keeping your cockatiel happy means making it part of the family, but it also means keeping your feathered friend safe from hidden dangers. Cage placement is one of the key aspects of a happy, healthy cockatiel.

Part of the Family

One of the biggest aspects of cage placement is making sure your cockatiel can join in on the family happenings while in its cage. Like other parrots, cockatiels are social birds and will happily join in activities when given the chance. Let your buddy see you by placing the cage in a room you are frequently in. Your little friend may end up becoming bored, stressed and eventually heartsick if you don't make it a part of your family. In many homes, a living room is a good choice for the couple who enjoys spending time on the couch watching movies; an office may be a good choice for the nesties who prefer reading or working on the computer.


Your cockatiel needs sunlight just like you do, but not too much! Avoid putting the cage in a place where it is hit with direct sunlight, especially for extended periods of time; your 'tiel is sensitive to heat. With that being said, however, your cockatiel should still be able to see out of a window while happily perched in its cage. Putting your bird's cage too close to a window can also subject it to dangerous drafts which, sadly, can kill a cockatiel.

Hot and Cold

While your cockatiel is covered in beautiful feathers, it's still sensitive to changes in heat and cold or extremes of either. Placing the cage next to a vent may seem like a good idea to protect your birdie from the temperature outside, but the constant blowing of cold air-conditioning or heat can put unnecessary stress on your little buddy! Avoid placing the cage next to a vent where the air is blown directly on the cage.

Kitchens and Fumes

Even if your kitchen is the heart of your home and you're in there quite a bit, avoid putting your 'tiel in unnecessary danger. The fumes from Teflon pans and non-stick coatings can make your birdie ill or, worse yet, kill your friend. Smoke from cooking or cigarettes can also be fatal to your colorful pal. One other consideration: air fresheners. Don't put your cage next to a strong scented plug-in or where your little buddy might consistently be inhaling the strong fumes of scented products.

the nest
