Can African Parrots Withstand Drafts?

Unlike wild greys, domestic African parrots don't tolerate drafts well.
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Finding the perfect spot to house your African grey parrot isn't as simple as plopping her cage down just anywhere. There are four factors to take into account when deciding where to locate your feathered pal's cage: making her feel secure, considering the temperature, avoiding drafty rooms and making cleanup simple.

Drafts and Parrots

In the wild, African parrots are subjected to the elements year-round -- and that means they can weather more than just drafts. But remember that your little grey friend's roots are in central Africa, which is rainforest country: The climate is humid and mild. Meanwhile, your African grey is domesticated. In her book on African grey parrots, Nikki Moustaki explains that most parrots don't like drafts at all; she advises shielding your parrot's cage if it is not possible to place it in a draft-free location.

Air Quality

So you've found a location for your African parrot's cage, one that's away from drafty areas like a fireplace, a window or an exterior door. You'll still need to ensure there is sufficient air circulation. Avian Web warns that stagnant, uncirculated air is unhealthy for your bird because it acquires contaminants such as fungi, bacteria and bird dust, which can cause health issues. Provide proper ventilation by simply leaving the room's door open to adjoining rooms and running a ceiling fan on a low setting, if necessary, to encourage airflow. Your African grey will be much more comfortable and healthy if she's not sealed up in a stuffy room.

Temperature Range

The average temperature in the rainforest fluctuates between 68 degrees and 98 degrees Fahrenheit. That is a useful range to keep in mind when setting the temperature in your home to keep your African parrot comfortable and healthy. Sixty-five degrees to 80 degrees Fahrenheit is the ideal temperature range Rebecca Sweat of the Bird Channel recommends; she notes that birds can withstand a wider range in extreme circumstances of between 40 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit.

There are several factors to consider when setting a temperature to keep your bird comfortable. If you have a lightweight African parrot with little body mass, she won't be able to handle cooler temperatures as well as a heavier bird can. Sufficient ventilation will help keep your bird cooler, too, so she'll be able to handle a little higher thermostat setting. However, according to Sweat, birds can tolerate extreme hot or cold temperatures if they are allowed to gradually adapt to them.

A Cozy and Stimulating Spot

When you find a cozy, draft-free spot for your African parrot, before you place her cage for good, keep in mind that your enchanting feathered friend is a messy eater. Be prepared for daily vacuuming sessions and at least weekly spot cleaning of the walls around her domicile. If they're options for you, tiled floors and clear vinyl panels to protect the walls are easy to clean.

Another consideration for your intelligent African parrot's surrounding is that she can become bored easily. A stimulating environment with colorful walls or pictures and plenty of interesting parrot toys with lots of colors, shapes and textures will keep her busy when you aren't able to interact with her.

the nest
