How to Get Rid of Dog Odor in a Yard

Dog urine can kill your yard in addition to generating an unpleasant odor.
i dog image by Peter Toth from

Letting your dog do his business outside could create a lingering odor, thanks to a build-up of solid and liquid waste. Regularly cleaning his poo and pee helps to break up the smell associated with each, minimizing any odor and making your yard more pleasant to spend time in.

Step 1

Use a commercial pooper scooper or a pair of rubber gloves to pick up all the solid waste in your yard. Gather all the waste in a plastic bag and throw it into the trash. Sprinkle some baking soda into the trash can to control the odor until pickup day. Regularly clean up your dog's solid waste to keep your yard looking nice and reduce the odor.

Step 2

Thoroughly water your dog's pee spots with the garden hose to keep your grass alive and dilute the odor. Spray down any areas your dog may have marked to assert his claim of territory, such as furniture or walls. Keep watering until you can no longer detect the scent of urine.

Step 3

Scrub any non-porous areas with soap and water to remove all traces of the urine spray. Rinse thoroughly. Repeat if necessary to completely remove all traces of odor.

Step 4

Use an enzyme-based odor eliminator product, such as Clear the Air or Top Paw, available at most pet or retail stores. These products are specially designed to save your lawn from dog potty spots, and eliminate the odor that goes along with them. Read all directions and indications thoroughly for maximum benefit and to prevent damage to your lawn or your dog.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

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