How to Remove Samoyed Fur Discoloration

Keeping this white dog white requires weekly grooming.
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The double-coated Samoyed is a beautiful specimen -- at least when grass, dirt and urine stains aren't present. The Samoyed's coarse, long outer coat may have a silver tint that adds to the coat's brilliant shine. The undercoat is wool; you can actually spin and knit shed undercoat hair.

Step 1

Brush your fur ball’s coat with a pin brush. Get out all of the dirt and debris by brushing him good from head to toe. Use a long-tooth comb to get deeper into your Samoyed's undercoat.

Step 2

Bathe your Samoyed with a whitening shampoo formulated for white dogs. The shampoo is generally purple in color. Wet him from the nape of his neck down to the end of his tail. Lather him with the shampoo, paying special attention to the areas with discoloration. Allow the shampoo to sit for two or three minutes for optimal whitening. Rinse the coat well.

Step 3

Wash the stained or discolored part of the Samoyed's generally fluffy white coat with an enzymatic shampoo formulated for stain removal; do this while your furry friend is still wet. You'll find enzymatic dog shampoo at pet supply retail stores and online. Only use it on the stained areas after whitening the entire coat. Rub it into the stain and allow it to set for up to five minutes. Rinse her well.

Step 4

Cover the stained area with a few drops of tear stain remover if the enzymatic shampoo does not remove it. This product will help lighten dark, stubborn stains. Rub it into the stain and let it whiten the area for up to five minutes. Leaving it on longer may cause skin irritation. Rinse the area completely, removing all of the product to avoid irritation of your Samoyed's sensitive skin.

Step 5

Dry your Samoyed. Towel and blow-dry your pup after grooming and bathing her. This prevents her from getting dirty again right away.

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