How to Get Qualified for a Seizure Service Dog

If your suffer from epilepsy, you may qualify for a seizure service dog. Though time-consuming, the procedure is relatively simple. You just need to gather all the relevant documents and apply at a service dog program of your choosing.

Step 1

Qualify as as a serious epileptic. According to the the Social Security Administration's official listing for epilepsy, you will only qualify as a convulsive epileptic if you suffer from at least one seizure per month and a non-convulsive epileptic if you suffer from at least one seizure per week. If you don't meet these requirements but can prove your condition interferes with your day-to-day living, you may also qualify under medical-vocational guidelines.

Step 2

Choose a service animal program at pet partners. These programs train dogs to deal with all types of disabilities, including seizures.When choosing the right program there are a two things you should consider: first, if Assistant Dog International has endorsed the program and, second, how long the program has been in operation. Remember, there are always companies offering short cuts.

Step 3

Apply at the service dog program with all necessary documents. Be prepared to be interviewed. Once you have completed the application you will have to wait a few weeks before you find out if they have accepted you. If a program rejects your application, the Delta Society suggests you "don't give up ... another trainer may have different requirements."

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

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