How to Know if a Parrot Likes a Song

"This tune makes me want to boogie."
i Hemera Technologies/ Images

According to scientists, parrots enjoy music as much as people do, but unfortunately, you can't ask Polly what songs she prefers over others. Do a little detective work to figure out your parrot's taste in music by watching and listening to her closely so you can play her favorite tunes.

Step 1

Observe your avian buddy's behavior when you play different tunes. If she begins to "dance" by bobbing her head and feet up and down, it means she's enjoying the tune you're playing for her. Overall, parrots tend to enjoy music with a catchy beat they can dance to like pop, rock and folk music, according to Dr. Franck Peron of the University of Lincoln, reports an article published in "The Telegraph." Dr. Peron is a researcher who studied the musical tastes of African grey parrots.

Step 2

Listen to Polly and see if she sings along with the music or even tries to mimic it. When your bird whistles, sings, talks or chatters along with the song you're playing, it means she's content and likes what she's hearing, according to Birds N Ways. If she's screeching, growling or hissing, she probably doesn't enjoy the song. Try another.

Step 3

Watch your bird's body language and look for signs that she's happy or calm. Not all music may make her want to boogie or sing along, but that doesn't mean she isn't enjoying the tunes. If her feathers are loose and a bit fluffed out, if she's grinding her beak or if she's clicking her tongue against her beak, your avian buddy is content. If her feathers are slicked back and she's shivering, she's definitely not happy. Classical music tends to calm feathered friends and reduce stress, according to a study published in "Poultry Science" in 2011. You might even spot your parrot with her foot up, falling asleep to a particularly relaxing tune.

Step 4

Teach your parrot to choose the tune she likes best between two or three songs. Place two or three blocks of different colors in front of her. Play a specific song that corresponds to a block each time she touches or picks up one of them. Parrots are very intelligent and can differentiate colors; Polly will soon learn that choosing a block means choosing a song. Whichever block she picks most will let you know which song she likes best. Avoid using red blocks; some parrots have an aversion to that color, warns.

the nest
