Occasional Soft Stool in Cats

Occasional soft stools in cats are usually no cause for alarm.
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If your sweet kitty sometimes experiences a bout of soft stools, it probably isn't a big deal. Occasional diarrhea is common in cats. Actually, aside from her discomfort, the situation is probably toughest for you -- especially if you're the one responsible for cleaning up the floor that day.


If your pet is passing soft stools that have a liquid-like texture, then diarrhea sounds like the problem. Look out for other telltale signs, however. Perhaps your cat is having a hard time going number two. Gas may be an issue for your pet. In some cases, cats suffering from diarrhea also just seem plain exhausted and irritable. Gastrointestinal distress combined with fatigue equals a classic case of diarrhea. At this time, Fluffy may need a little TLC and good old fashioned rest and relaxation.

Diet Change

When it comes to minor soft stool situations, a primary cause is diet change. Maybe you switched your kitty over to a new dry cat food brand. Perhaps you are feeding her more moistened food than before. Whatever the situation is, the sudden difference in diet is a shock to the wee one's system. Because of this possibility, always try to introduce dietary changes slowly but surely -- no need to rush. Make the change over the course of two weeks. Begin by blending 25 percent new food with the old, then 50 percent and so on until your pet's food is fully changed. By taking the slow approach, you minimize digestive upset in your cat.

Serious Causes

Although infrequent diarrhea usually points to something not that serious, it also could be indicative of an underlying health problem, so be careful. Because of this, always consult a veterinarian when your dear cat has the condition. Never dismiss it. Diarrhea can be a sign of colitis, kidney disease, bacterial infection, thyroid issues, pancreatitis and even cancer. The sooner you discover a health problem in your cat, the easier it may be to fix it. Waste no time in taking your cat to the veterinarian, especially if you notice "emergency" signs -- including bloody stool, throwing up, severe stomachache and feelings of weakness.

Help at Home

If your cat's symptoms seem severe, take her to the emergency clinic, as you may not be able to see the vet immediately. Otherwise, while you're waiting around for the appointment, there are some things you can do to help calm your poor fluff ball's delicate tummy down. Avoid giving her food until she gets to the vet. Make sure she drinks plenty of water though. With soft liquidy stools, dehydration is always a risk, so be cautious. If you do feed her, wait around one day, and even then keep the meals simple and bland to calm down her stomach. Think the classics -- ground beef and boiled rice.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

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