Cats With a Foul Odor and Gas

Gas may just be a sign that your kitty ate too quickly.
i Michael Blann/Lifesize/Getty Images

As much as you may love your kitty, being around her when she's dealing with a major case of foul-smelling gas is no party, especially if you're worried about the root cause. Felines experience gas for a wide variety of reasons, from pesky parasites to overeating, pure and simple.

Excess Gas

If you're observing that your little fluffball doesn't smell too rosy, pay attention to the key signs that she may be dealing with a classic case of too much gas. When a cat keeps crouching over, it sometimes is an indication that her stomach hurts. Belly aches occasionally are a sign of gas, so take note. Other signs are low roaring sounds coming from her lower abdominal area, a slightly protruding stomach, watery stools and throwing up. Not to mention -- you probably guessed it -- very noticeable flatulence.

Excess gas is generally not a serious condition, though exceptions do exist. The gas accumulation is often caused by everything from rapid eating to just eating too much. Overly high fiber consumption also can trigger gas. Monitor your kitty's eating patterns to figure out what ultimately may be causing the icky issue.


Diarrhea also may be behind your cutie's unpleasant-smelling gas problem. When a feline's gas is accompanied by the passing of watery bowel movements practically nonstop, you know the score. The uncomfortable gastrointestinal condition has a lot of potential causes, including abrupt food changes and consumption of milk-based products.

Other common indications of the digestive distress are vomiting, reduced appetite, weight loss and exhaustion.

Intestinal Parasites

Intestinal worms -- think hookworms and roundworms -- are also occasionally responsible for yucky feline gas dilemmas. If your cat or kitten spends a significant of time outdoors, she may be especially vulnerable to the pesky parasites, which often bring upon discomfort in the form of flatulence, diarrhea and stomach bloating. In some cases, parasites also lead to constipation in felines -- hello, foul-odored gas!

If you think that your little one's gas is due to worms, waste no time in getting her to the veterinarian as soon as possible. Deworming may be in order.

Anal Sac Impaction

Just because your kitty is giving off a particularly foul odor doesn't mean she necessarily has gas. Never make assumptions when it comes to your precious pet's health. In some cases, anal sac disease may be at fault. When a cat's anal glands fail to empty out during the normal passing of bowel movements, fluid accumulation becomes a possibility. If your poor kitty is dragging her rear end across your floor and perhaps oozing a foul-smelling substance, simple gas has nothing to do it with it.

To handle anal gland issues, take your suffering sweetie to the vet immediately. If the problem is indeed impaction, the veterinarian may be able to clean out your cat's glands -- instant relief.

Veterinary Attention

When your cat's health is involved, it's always smart to be especially cautious. After all, she's your baby! If you notice that your cat has a problem with foul smelling gas, a veterinary checkup is a must. Many different digestive disorders can be causing your kitty's woes, including inflammatory bowel disease and hyperthyroidism.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

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