Is Kentia Palm Toxic to Cats?

Breathe easy, because Kentia palms are not poisonous to your kitty.
i George Doyle & Ciaran Griffin/Stockbyte/Getty Images

Any protective feline "parent" is well aware of the stress of potentially poisonous plants. After all, cats are famously curious creatures indoors and outdoors. Whether your pet has a penchant for putting her mouth on strange things or not, awareness of plant toxicity is a very, very valuable thing.

About Kentia Palms

The Kentia palm, which is known botanically as Howea forsteriana, is an erect palm that is cultivated outside and inside. The plant originated in Australia and is known for its very slow growth rate. Although the Kentia palm comes from Australia, it also is a relatively common sight throughout Europe. It is frequently referred to by the names "Forster Sentry Palm" and "Thatch Leaf Palm."


According to the ASPCA, the Kentia palm is in no way toxic to cats, so you can certainly relax about that. The palm isn't at all poisonous to doggies, either. If you plan on growing your very own picturesque Kentia palm inside of your home, toxicity isn't an issue.

Other "Palm" Toxicity

Just because the Kentia palm isn't toxic is absolutely no reason to assume that all "palm" plants are safe around your pets. For example, the Sago palm is 100 percent poisonous not only to felines, but also to equines and canines. If your kitty happens to get her teeth into the Sago palm, she could experience some extremely harmful symptoms, including liver damage, diarrhea, stomachache, easy bruising, exhaustion, appetite loss, vomiting and unusual thirst. The nuts are especially risky. Sago palm ingestion can even be life-threatening, so take the matter very seriously. If your pet consumes any part of the Sago palm, emergency veterinary help is a must. Always consult an experienced veterinarian regarding the health and treatment of your pet.


Knowing what a Kentia palm looks like can be very useful. If you are uncertain about a plant's toxicity, never make any assumptions about it. When you're aware of the appearance of a Kentia palm, you can rule it out automatically as an option instead of mistakenly thinking that something is safe for your furry cutie. Kentia palms generally range between 15 and 25 feet in height, but occasionally can grow even taller. The spread ranges between six and 10 feet. The pinnate leaves are green and grow to 12 feet in length. The flowers are white and not at all prominent. One of the key features of the palm is its trunk, which has a thin, dainty and fine appearance.

Only allow your cat in the vicinity of a plant that you are absolutely certain is not toxic to her. If you have questions regarding specific palm plants or other plants in general, always consult your veterinarian first.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

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