Is Primrose Poisonous to Cats?

Primrose is a major hazard to household pets.
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Being a pet owner brings a lot of joy and enrichment to life but also brings its share of frustrating situations. Plant toxicity is certainly one of them. Many seemingly innocent plants can be a serious danger to your beloved kitty, including primrose. Consult a vet if your cat's ill.

About Primrose

Primrose is a herbaceous plant often called by its scientific name, "Primula vulgaris." It is a member of the Primulaceae family. The evergreen plant, which originated in regions of southern Europe and western Asia, frequently serves as a bright addition to landscapes, often for edging or bedding purposes. Primrose thrives especially when cultivated under partial shade.

Poisonous to Cats

Primrose is indeed poisonous to cats, warns the ASPCA. The plant is toxic to more than just felines, however. It is poisonous to horses and dogs, so take note. The specific danger element of the plant is not certain, but if your kitty for whatever reason eats any part of it she may experience a subtle spell of digestive discomfort -- think nausea, throwing up and diarrhea. If your cat consumes even a small bite of any section of this plant, get veterinary assistance for her as soon as possible.

Cape Primrose

Not all plants with the word "primrose" in the name are necessarily toxic to pets. For example,cape primrose is part of the Gesneriaceae family and isn't poisonous to dogs, cats or horses. This showy perennial plant is also called Bavarian Belle, False African Violet and Twisted Fruit. Its scientific name is Streptocarpus.

Other Hazardous Plants

Primrose is just one of many plants that may bring upon effects of illness in a kitty, unfortunately. Other common plants that may be dangerous to your little one include branching ivy, meadow saffron, water hyacinth, winter cherry, poinsettia, rock moss, all lilies, Oregon holly, milkweed and leatherflower. Unless you are 100 percent certain a plant isn't poisonous to your cutie, don't allow her to investigate it. If you're unsure of a plant's toxicity, speak to your veterinarian regarding its safety. Always take the time to ensure that your precious pet is out of harm's way.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

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