Homeopathic Relief for Dyspnea in Cats

Homeopathy has been around since the 1700s.
i Keith Brofsky/Photodisc/Getty Images

Dyspnea is the medical term for shortness of breath, and it can be caused by illnesses like heart or lung disease, asthma, high or low blood pressure and other conditions. After treating illness with attentive vet care, cat parents can provide their cats with relief at home, using homeopathic remedies.


Dyspnea is the medical term for shortness of breath. It generally feels like a tightening in the chest or feeling of suffocation. In healthy cats, shortness of breath may simply be a result of extreme temperature or strenuous exercise. Otherwise, it's likely a sign of illness like asthma, heart problems, airway blockages, obesity, lung disease, blood pressure abnormalities, pneumonia or anemia. A cat with any illness should be treated with vet care before offering homeopathic relief.


Homeopathy was founded in Germany in the 1700s, and is used widely in Europe and India. It has also been regulated in the US since 1938 and is considered safe. Homeopathy is based on the concepts of vitalism and "like cures like." Vitalism stresses that the body has innate ability to cure itself, and "like cures like" says that tiny amounts of a particular substance can help the body strengthen against that substance.


Specific homeopathic formulas attempt to address dyspnea. The University of Maryland Medical Center shares a few studies that have examined homeopathic remedies; their use on cats is uncertain. However, they note that professional homeopaths use certain substances aimed at alleviating respiratory distress. Antimonium tartaricum, for example, is used in cases of wet coughs accompanied by fatigue and difficulty breathing. Carbo vegetabilis, another homeopathic remedy, is used in cases of dyspnea accompanied by chills and anxiety.

Administration and Caution

Gloria Dodd, DVM, founder of Everglo Veterinary Services, calls homeoapathy a fragile but powerful energy therapy. She says a cat should take homeopathy remedies no less than a half hour before and one hour after eating, and advises not to overhandle tablets, to preserve their effectiveness. Homeopathic remedies are available in pill and liquid forms, and potency and frequency will help determine dosage. Consulting a homeopath before choosing and administering remedies to your cat offers the best chance of success.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

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