How Often Do You Give Droncit Feline to Cats?

Cats get tapeworms from ingesting fleas.
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Droncit Feline Cestocide tablets are given to kitties who are suffering from a tapeworm infestation to get rid of these pesky intestinal parasites. The medication should clear up your furry friend's tapeworm issues with a single dose, depending on the severity of the infestation.


Droncit is a prescription drug that is available through your veterinarian. He'll prescribe it for your kitty if he is diagnosed with a tapeworm infestation. Tapeworms are a type of internal parasite that attach to your furry friend's intestines. The active ingredient in Droncit is praziquantel, a drug that causes these worms to detach from the wall of the intestine and die. These icky worms then are digested by the kitty or passed through his stool. Droncit Feline Cestocide tablets should eliminate all of the tapeworms from your kitty's system in a single dose. In some cases, your vet might recommend a follow-up treatment to eliminate any residual worms in the system about two to three weeks after the initial dose, according to the "Veterinary Drug Handbook: Client Information Edition."


Droncit Feline Cestocide tablets can be fed directly to your kitty or crumbled up and mixed into some canned food for him to eat. According to the manufacturer, Bayer Healthcare, the correct dosage for a kitty between 5 and 11 pounds is one tablet, containing 23 mg of praziquantel. Smaller kitties, under 4 pounds, need only 1/2 of a tablet. Larger kitties over 11 pounds should receive 1 1/2 tablets. The same amount should be used if your vet tells you to administer the medication to your kitty a second time in a follow-up dose in two to three weeks, unless your kitty's size has changed during that interim period. This is possible in young, growing kittens.


Droncit is safe to use in most kitties, except for those under 6 weeks of age, according to VetInfo. The medication actually can be used in pregnant and nursing cats as well. You might find that your cat experiences diarrhea, upset tummy, vomiting, lethargy or a lack of appetite after a dose of Droncit, according to PetPlace. If your kitty suffers from any debilitating conditions or chronic health problems, ask your vet if Droncit is appropriate for him.


Droncit can be given to a pregnant cat 8 days before she gives birth. Kittens usually receive Droncit around the time they are adopted out, as long as they are over 6 weeks old, and can be given to them 2 weeks after coming home to a new family. Kitties that go outdoors have a higher chance of ingesting a flea or rodent that can infect them with tapeworms. Because of this risk, adult felines can be fed a dose of Droncit up to four times per year to keep them free of the parasites, according to Bayer Animal Health. Speak to your vet to see what type of dosing schedule, if any, he recommends for your particular furry buddy.

Tapeworm Prevention

Indoor kitties may not need to receive Droncit unless they show signs of a tapeworm infection. Signs of tapeworms include rice-like grains in your kitty's stool or around their rear, which are segments of the worms themselves. Keep your feline friend free of fleas by using a topical flea preventative on her regularly; this will reduce the need for deworming medications like Droncit. Droncit won't prevent tapeworms and doesn't linger in your kitty's system. Once it's taken, the worms are killed and the medication dissipates. To prevent tapeworms, you must keep your furry friend's environment clean, and discourage the presence of fleas and rodents.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

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