Feeding Your Adult Boxer

A healthy adult boxer should have energy to play.
i Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images

Puppy kibble works for babies, but as your boxer gets older, his digestion and diet needs change. Avoiding bloating and gas keeps your boxer's belly from hurting and your sanity in tact. Therefore, making changes and sticking to a schedule is important.

Step 1

Buy a dog food containing 40 percent meat, 50 percent vegetables and 10 percent carbohydrates. This combination keeps your boxer’s diet similar to your own. When checking the list on the dog food bag, make sure meat and vegetables are listed at the top.

Step 2

Feed your boxer based on his weight. According to The Boxer Dog Site, if your dog weighs 10 to 25 pounds, feed him 1 1/2 to 2 cups a day. If he's between 25 and 50 pounds, give him between 2 and 4 cups a day. A boxer weighing between 50 and 75 pounds needs 4 to 5 cups a day. Larger boxers weighing 75 to 100 pounds require 5 to 6 cups daily.

Step 3

Split the serving into two feedings, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Allow your boxer at least two hours to digest her food before exercise or bedtime.

Step 4

Avoid giving your boxer people food. The calorie content of table scraps is generally too high for his diet and may cause stomach upset and bloating.

Step 5

Check your dog’s weight often. One way to check is by watching his rib cage. If you can count every rib by looking at him, he’s not getting enough nutrition. You should have to feel for his ribs. If you can't easily feel his ribs, he's overweight and may need to take it easy on the kibble.

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