Description of a White Persian Cat

You are my grooming slave.
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Your white Persian cat resembles a living work of feline art. His long, immaculate coat looks like fine silk, and his round face features large, expressive eyes. It goes without saying that he's an indoor cat; such an exquisite creature cannot live in the cruel, outside world.


White Persian cats come in two basic types. There's the traditional Persian, also known as the doll face, and the Peke Persian, who has been bred for a flatter-looking face. As the name implies, the doll face Persian should be sweet-looking, or, as the Cat Fanciers' Association describes it, with an "open, pansy-like face." Under all that hair is a short-legged, well-boned feline. Both types have round faces, small ears and a plumy tail.


In addition to their beauty, Persians are classic lap cats. As a rule they're well-behaved, good-natured felines who like nothing better than hanging out and being with their people. He's a good companion who doesn't cause trouble. Persians generally get along with other cats and well-behaved canines, as well as with gentle and well-behaved kids. Although they're not the most active cats, they do like plenty of attention and admiration.


If you've got a Persian cat in your life, you know grooming's part of the deal. That long, white coat requires daily combing, or you'll have a tangled, matted white mess of a cat in no time. Your white treasure also requires regular bathing to keep him pristine. You might want to clip the hair around his rear end to avoid any brown markings.

Persian cats usually learn the intricacies of grooming and bathing as kittens, so it's second nature to them. However, it probably wouldn't hurt to invest in a wardrobe and wardrobe and home decor that are predominantly white.


If you purchase a show-quality white Persian kitten, you can show him in the breed organization's solid color division. Although other solid-colored Persians must have copper-colored eyes, the eyes of white show Persians may be copper, blue, or one eye of each shade.

If your white Persian has any markings or shadings, he isn't show quality. You'll pay more for a Persian kitten that is show quality rather than pet quality.


Although both types of Persian might exhibit breathing problems, it's more common in the flat-faced cats. Persian are sensitive to heat, so an air-conditioned living area is important for them once the months turn hot.

Your Persian might be prone to kidney disease, usually appearing in late middle age. Avoid overfeeding him. Because of their stocky frames, Persians gain weight easily, but obesity stresses the joints, heart and lungs.

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