What Are the Dangers of Giving Baytril to Cats?

Baytril is sometimes used for feline urinary tract infections.
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If your fluff ball is dealing with a pesky bacterial infection, your veterinarian may prescribe an antibiotic, such as Baytril. Before deciding on an appropriate medication for your cat, discuss the matter exhaustively with the vet -- and make sure to provide your pet's full medical history.

What is Baytril?

Baytril is the brand name of an antibacterial medication that is available solely through veterinary prescription. The generic name is enrofloxacin. The antibiotic aims to manage susceptible bacteria-induced infections in both cats and dogs. The medication manages infections that are related to the prostate, skin, liver, urinary or digestive tract and lungs.

Retinal Toxicity

"The Canadian Veterinary Journal" indicates that Baytril use in cats may have a link to feline retinal degeneration and blindness. The toxic effect is related to permanent retinal cell destruction. Before planning to give your cat Baytril, speak in depth with your veterinarian about the possible dangers of lasting retinal damage and blindness.

Side Effects

When it comes to any medication, side effects are always a risky possibility. Drugs.com indicates that Baytril side effects in felines are uncommon. However, some cats may experience adverse reactions to the antibiotic, including diarrhea, throwing up, exhaustion, increased vocalization, depressive mood, seizures and unusually aggressive behavior. If you observe absolutely any negative or atypical signs in your cat after Baytril use, contact your veterinarian immediately. Before allowing your cat Baytril, however, make sure you are fully aware of any side effects that may be associated with it.


When it comes to your sweet cat's health, always proceed with caution when it comes to medication. Provide your veterinarian with your cat's full medical past. Discuss your cutie's age, her current diet and any medications she may presently be taking. Before deciding on any medicine, be sure you're fully aware of any bad drug interactions that might be possible. The more you and your vet know about your cat's health, the better you can avoid potential health dangers and complications. After all, your precious kitty's health and happiness are depending on you, and she certainly is worth your time and efforts.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

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