Behavior of Welsh Corgi Dogs

My behavior is fit for a queen.
i corgi image by Cindy Haggerty from

Although there are two types of Welsh corgis, the Pembroke and the Cardigan, their behavior is fairly similar. Both are herding breeds, with the Pembroke slightly shorter than his Cardigan cousin. Cardigans, the Corgis with tails, are less common than the Pembroke.


The American Kennel Club describes the Pembroke Welsh Corgi as "one of the most agreeable small house dogs," and a certain resident of Buckingham Palace probably agrees. Both Corgi breeds are outgoing, friendly, devoted and hardy. While Corgis are good watchdogs, there's a tendency to overdo the barking. For all their spunk, Corgis are sensitive. Don't scold him harshly if he does something wrong. Usually, gentle admonition is all he needs to get the idea.


Corgis love to learn and thrive with good training. In puppyhood, they're relatively easy to house train. As game little competitors, they do well in canine sports, such as agility, flyball, tracking, obedience and, of course, herding. Surprisingly agile for long-backed dogs, the Corgi also needs mental stimulation. If you don't care for competition, teach him tricks or perhaps train him to be a therapy dog, spreading canine joy in hospital and nursing homes. In the view of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of America, time spent in training, especially during your dog's first year, is repaid many times over.


Both types of Corgis need lots of exercise, even though both are relatively small dogs, weighing under 30 pounds. While not tall, they're long and low. As herding dogs, Corgis were bred to drive livestock around all day. Herding the cats around the kitchen just doesn't use up that much energy for the modern Corgi. Your Corgi needs good daily outings on walks with you or access to the yard.


Feed your Corgi a high-quality dog food and take it easy on the treats. Corgis will try to con their owners into believing the poor little dog is dying of hunger even though he's consumed an adequate meal. Don't give in -- too much weight stresses the Corgi's back. Both types of Corgis require a good weekly brushing. Take good care of your Corgi and expect to have your best friend around for the next 15 years.

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