The Diet for a Welsh Corgi

In olden times, corgis herded and hunted on the farms of Wales.
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Originally herding and hunting dogs, Welsh corgis stayed busy on the range, herding cattle, hunting rodents and keeping a watch on their humans. Together, they ensured that all went smoothly with cattle control and rodent roundup -- and in doing so, worked up a solid appetite.

Instincts Remain Within Today's Corgis

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Modern-day corgis are a tad more tame, however you and your partner may occasionally find yourselves herded around the room by a motivated corgi. In addition to the herding fire that still burns within, 21st century corgis have a genetic preference for certain foods, which comes from their olden days, too.

Regional Origin of the Corgi Diet

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When they worked as herding dogs in Pembrokeshire, Wales (that's where their full name, "Pembroke Welsh corgi" comes from) they ate rabbit, beef and other meats local to their hunt and herding areas. They also ate vegetables like carrots, potatoes and cabbage, along with fish.

Adding these foods to your corgi's diet can help optimize his health. Check with your vet first, and if she says it's OK, then you can begin adding these foods.

Adding New Foods

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If your corgi has not eaten much of these "people foods," serve small amounts in cooked form -- a general guideline for new foods is 10 to 25 percent per week. This allows your little cowboy's body to adjust. If he does well, you can keep going.

The foods of corgi past are wonderful additions, but it is important to make sure he gets a wide range of foods to ensure nutritional balance.

Finding the Right Balance

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Any corgi will testify under oath: meat should be the nucleus of the diet. Vegetables are in second place. Dogs should eat about 50 to 75 percent animal protein, 15 to 18 percent fat, and 25 percent carbs.

A 25-pound corgi requires about 870 calories per day, and you can offer new foods at regular mealtimes.

Adding healthy ingredients can help you and your little ranger live a long, healthy life together -- even if he does treat you like cattle.

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