What Cats Make the Chirping Sound?

Cats frequently chirp when they see something that excites them.
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If you're an avid admirer of the feline species, then practically anything they do will seem endearing to you, whether head rubbing or cute vocalizations. When a cat makes a high and brief "chirping" sound, it often means that she's hoping to get something -- probably courtesy of you!

Which Cats?

When it comes to the question of which cats make chirping sounds, the answer is -- drum roll -- potentially all of them! Along with purring, meowing, trilling, growling and hissing, chirping is a relatively common feline vocalization method, frequently employed by cats of all ages, breeds, sizes and coat colors. Don't rule out your pet as a possible future chirper, even if you haven't heard her yet.

Mother Cat

Cats are exposed to chirping sounds from a very tender age, usually during the kitten months. In the outdoors, once a mother cat deems her litter ready to begin eating solid foods, she'll notify her youngsters of any food findings simply by chirping, according to the ASPCA. The sound is basically a way to guide kittens to a meal. Also, when kittens are excited about an upcoming meal, they'll often emulate their mama by making the squeaky noises, too.

Looking Out the Window

If your beloved household kitty loves to sit on a window perch and observe all of the birds right in front of your home, you may notice her chirping. Cats frequently produce these little sounds when they're feeling stimulated or provoked by the presence of prey, whether a bird, mouse or even an insect. In these situations, a cat is just being a cat. Nature always wins in the feline world, even if a cat has plenty of food at home and has no reason to go outside to chase and hunt.

Chirping Sounds to You

If your precious pet's chirping is directed at you, don't be alarmed -- she doesn't see you as being very large prey, of course. She may just be trying to get you to go after her somewhere, whether it's to the "kitty treats" section of your kitchen cabinet or to the living room where all of her favorite toys are scattered on the floor. The sound often means that your mischievous one wants something from you -- cheeky cat!

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

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