The Behavioral Problems of Female Cats in Heat

Irritability is a common issue during heat.
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If you live with an unfixed female cat, then you know all too well the drama of the heat cycle. From the constant loud sounds to the uncharacteristic aggression, it's almost enough to drive even the biggest cat lover mad. Unusual behavioral issues in heat are definitely no surprise.

Aggressive Behavior

If your usually sweet and demure little kitty is suddenly creating tension and hostility in your household -- with you and any other pets -- her heat cycle is likely to blame. You may notice her growling and hissing a lot more than usual, and in some cases she may even try to attack! These behavioral swings result from the hormonal ups and downs of the heat cycle, so try not to be too hard on your cat. Just give her some space during this time.

Urine Spraying

Urine spraying is in no way limited to the boys. When queen cats are in heat, this yucky behavior is very common in them. Unfortunately for you -- and your walls -- you are responsible for all of the annoying clean up! When your female cat sprays her urine, she essentially is engaging in a natural territorial behavior -- marking her turf in order to attract a male cat.


If your cat is about to go into heat, you may want to invest in a trusty pair of earplugs. Queen cats get loud during heat -- especially during the night hours when you're trying to get some shut-eye! This behavior is basically a mating call. You may notice your cat persistently and loudly meowing and yowling as if there's no tomorrow. This is an attempt to grab the attention of nearby tomcats. Although nighttime vocalization is prevalent, it also occurs a lot during the day, as well.


Queen cats often become restless during the heat cycle. After all, they want to get out there and mate with tomcats, not sit around indoors with you all day! You may observe your cat relentlessly pacing around your house. You may also notice the sneaky little thing trying to escape to go outside, too. Be very careful about shutting your doors and windows when your cat is in heat. Apart from attempts to get loose, your kitty may also violently claw at them to get out -- yikes.


If you want to avoid the pesky behavioral issues that are associated with the heat cycle, spaying is the right answer. You can spay your precious pet at a very early age -- often around 4 months old or even earlier. Early spaying often prevents these behavioral patterns from ever starting up in the first place. Apart from preserving your sanity -- along with your cat's -- spaying also keeps feline overpopulation at a minimum, another serious bonus.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

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