How to Acquaint Two Parakeets

Two parakeets can develop a lifelong friendship.
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Giving your parakeet a companion can do wonders for boredom and loneliness, but you have to be careful about introducing them. Parakeets need some space to make acquaintances on their own terms, otherwise they can get territorial. Take your time with the introductions, and they'll get along better for it.

Step 1

Bring your new parakeet into your home, but house him in a separate room from your other parakeet. The two need to be separated for one to three months to rule out the possibility of infecting your old parakeet with diseases from the outside. Don't allow the two to share toys or bowls, as illnesses could spread through these as well.

Step 2

Introduce your new parakeet to your old parakeet's room. Place the two cages near each other, but keep the birds separate. For about a week, the two birds should occupy the same room, but not have access to each other. This is their time to grow used to the other bird in the room. During this adjustment period, devote equal time to each bird, so that neither feels threatened by the other.

Step 3

Open the cage doors and allow the birds to greet each other on their own terms. Never put one parakeet in the other's cage manually, as this can upset both birds. Instead, let them feel each other out, explore and meet in a mutually agreeable environment. Eventually, they will decide on which cage they feel better cohabiting in. By letting them meet and cohabit on their own terms, you prevent the territorial fighting that could occur otherwise.

Step 4

Double up on cage accoutrements like food dishes and toys, which will help prevent fighting.

the nest
