Siamese Cat Behavior

Look into my eyes. You are going to do what I tell you ...
i Siamese 1 image by AnnePIC from

We are Siamese, if you please. We are Siamese, if you don't please. That song from "Lady and the Tramp" offers real insight into Siamese cat behavior. If you are owned by a Siamese, you already know that his behavior ranges from angel to blue-eyed devil cat. Meow.


Siamese cats meow. They meow a lot. Did I mention they're frequent meowers? Siamese aficionados refer to this behavior as loud vocalization, which sounds like a euphemism for a noisy cat. If you want a quiet kitty, the Siamese is not for you. He will let you know, in no uncertain terms, what he thinks about everything. Just because you don't speak Siamese cat doesn't mean there won't be a conversation. He can also sound as if he's in pain or being abused as part of his normal conversational tone when he's just fine.


If you already have a Siamese in the house, you know he rules the roost. If you have another cat, that cat knows it, too. Siamese can be aggressive and territorial. It's really a good thing that Siamese cats don't have access to nuclear weapons. You can guess the result. Pay lots of attention to your little dictator and he may lay off on the other cats. Maybe he'll even tolerate them. He's jealous by nature. He also meows a lot.

Compulsive Behavior

Compulsive behavior is common in Siamese cats, according to the ASPCA. This behavior may entail self-mutilation by constant biting and licking, known as psychogenic alopecia. Cats may also suck wool or other fabric, or engage in pica, the consumption of non-foods. This behavior generally begins before the age of 2. Check with your veterinarian if you Siamese cat develops compulsive behaviors. She may be able to prescribe medication for the problem. Compulsive behavior in Siamese cats does not include meowing.


All cats need an outlet for scratching and sharpening their claws, and this behavior is particularly prevalent in the Siamese. If you don't believe in declawing, clip his nails regularly and provide him with scratching posts or pads. When he scratches furniture or other objects you want him to leave alone, redirect him to his scratching post. Punishment doesn't work well with Siamese -- they'll seek revenge. On the plus side, when he's scratching, he probably isn't meowing.

the nest
