How to Treat Cat Urine on Subflooring

Cats can ruin carpets and floors with the smell of cat urine.
i Cat sleeping in front of fire image by Scott Latham from

Cat urine stains, left untreated, can be expensive to fix. Once the urine sets into the subflooring, it is near impossible to remove. The result is ruined subflooring, more cat accidents, and terrible odor. Keep pet urine cleaning supplies handy so you can nip this problem in the bud.

Step 1

Sop up the urine as much as possible with clean rags. If you have carpet, press the carpet firmly with the rag to absorb as much urine as possible. Don't rub, as this can set and spread the stained area.

Step 2

Soak the area with a vinegar and water solution. Wipe up with clean rags. If you catch the urine fast enough, this may be enough to get rid of the urine stain and smell.

Step 3

Pour an enzymatic cleaner over the urine area, saturating the carpet. Make sure the cleaner is so thickly applied that it gets down to the subflooring beneath the carpet. Enzymatic cleaners actually dissolve the urine, removing the odor that might attract your cat back to the same spot. Let air dry completely, then rinse with clean water and a rag.

Step 4

Remove the carpet and sand the subflooring boards, if you absolutely have to. This will remove the stain completely. If the stain is this set, you will probably be able to see a black or dark spot on the wood. Remove this spot. Make sure the urine is gone and replace the carpet.

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