How to Tell If Puppy Food Is Upsetting a Puppy's System

If your pup feels sick, his food may be the culprit.
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A sick puppy is a heartbreaking sight, but sometimes the cause is as simple as his food. Some puppies have very sensitive tummies, and the wrong dog food may result in vomiting and diarrhea. A couple of simple tests may help determine whether your pup’s food is making him sick.

Step 1

Schedule your sick pup for a veterinary appointment. Digestive issues often lead to dehydration, which can be life-threatening for young dogs. Your vet will conduct a thorough physical and rule out any illnesses or infections that may be the cause of your pup’s sick tummy.

Step 2

Remove solid food from the pup’s diet for 24 hours. Sometimes a little break is the cure for a shaky stomach. Keep fresh water available to ward off dehydration, but don’t let the pup eat, even if he seems hungry.

Step 3

Reintroduce food slowly, offering the puppy a quarter of his normal rations the morning after the fast. If he holds the food down without any signs of vomiting or diarrhea, give him a little more food in the afternoon. If the puppy doesn’t get sick, offer him a full ration the following day.

Step 4

Switch the puppy to a bland diet for a few days if his normal food continues to make him sick. Boil a boneless, skinless chicken breast with a cup of cooked plain white rice. Shred the chicken once it cools off, and feed the puppy the chicken and rice mixture. Feed the pup the equivalent of half his normal ration the first day to ease him into the new food, increasing the amount to a full ration at subsequent meals. Keep the puppy on this mixture for a couple of days, or until his tummy settles.

Step 5

Transition your puppy to a high-quality puppy food. Many cheap foods are loaded with chemicals and fillers that may cause tummy troubles. Read the ingredient label: most high-quality foods have meat listed near the top and little to no grain, such as corn or corn meal.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

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