How to Stop a Whiny Adult Dog

Take away your doggie's "whiny" tag.
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Excessive whining in a puppy is one thing, but in an adult dog, it is often much more frustrating. The key to stopping your unhappy pooch's whining is figuring out the root cause, whether it's loneliness, unbridled enthusiasm, physical pain or something else.

Step 1

Keep all "hellos" low key. If your adult dog has a habit of whining in sheer excitement after each time he hears you opening your front door, the vocalization probably is due to the fact that he just can't contain his happy emotions. Handle these situations by making your entrances as relaxed and subdued as possible. Avoid running around frantically and talking in a hyper or loud manner. Your dog likely will emulate your serene and collected demeanor, instead of jumping all over you and whining uncontrollably.

Step 2

Ease your pet's nerves. Some dogs resort to excessive whining as a way of coping with fear, nerves, stress and anxiety. Perhaps you have recently switched to a job with long hours and your doggie can't handle the new alone time. Maybe you just brought a new rescue Yorkie home and your elder dog is feeling threatened and uncertain. Make an effort to establish stability and harmony in your anxious dog's life. Set up a comfy and isolated safe zone in your home for him, spend regular time playing interactive games with him or establish a regular and reliable extended daily fitness routine -- think long outdoor walks together every morning. Consistent physical exercise, mental stimulation, love and attention can go a long way in calming unhappy dogs -- and perhaps reducing stress-induced whining.

Step 3

Discourage attention seeking. Dogs with excessive whining habits often do so out of a desire for attention, whether it's an extra treat, gentle back strokes courtesy of you or even access to favorite toys. Train your dog to never associate whining with a positive result by ignoring the whining behavior. To get your point across even better, physically turn away from your dog whenever he starts whining. Perhaps even leave the room he is in temporarily. Do not give in to your dog's whining, as that will encourage him to keep up the pesky noisiness.

Step 4

Encourage quiet behavior. While the goal is to discourage whining, it also is to promote quiet behavior in your pooch. Create a link in your pet's brain between being quiet and attention, along with other happy things, such as yummy treats and playtime with his most exciting toys.

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