How to Stop Dogs From Crying in the Car

Expose your dog to the car when it's not moving -- or the destination is fun -- and the crying should stop.
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If your dog hates the car, the reasons can range from a simple fear of the unknown to a severe phobia of being trapped in a moving steel contraption. Getting him used to the car -- and quiet on trips -- takes time and patience, but your efforts benefit everyone.

Step 1

Take your dog to the bathroom before he gets in the car. Not only does this eliminate a potential mess for you if your dog becomes stressed, but it can eliminate stress for him if he doesn't feel the pressure to go on top of being scared.

Step 2

Lure your dog into the car when it's parked and you're not going anywhere. Allow him to sit or walk around in it, and reward him with praise or even a treat when he becomes calm inside the car. Repeat this exercise to help your dog see the car as non-threatening.

Step 3

Give your dog the experience of a short ride -- no more than a few minutes -- to let him feel the car moving. Returning him to a familiar place rather than the veterinarian's office can assist him in overcoming his fear of the unknown later.

Step 4

Walk your dog several blocks away, and have a friend or family member pick you up in the car to return home. Praise your dog for getting into the car, and give him a treat when he gets home if he has remained calm. Repeat this exercise as you feel necessary.

Step 5

Drive your dog on a longer trip to a fun place, such as the beach or a park. Increase the driving time, adding an extra block or mile to the trip to continue exposing your dog to the car's movement.

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