Saggy Bellies in Cats

Your kitty is in no way immune to weight gain.
i Michael Blann/Lifesize/Getty Images

As a loving cat owner, you want to be aware of your pet's health, both physical and emotional. If you're noticing recently that your fluff ball's belly is a little bit saggy—or a lot—don't just ignore it.


It is essential for a cat to maintain a healthy and stable weight throughout her life. A saggy belly may be an indication that your cutie is a little on the heavy side. Apart from just a drooping tummy, pay attention to other prominent signs of a less-than-ideal feline body mass index, including a belly that virtually makes contact with the floor as your pet walks, an "invisible" waist area and ribs that you can barely detect by touching—yikes.

As soon as you notice your cat's droopy belly issue, schedule an appointment with her veterinarian. If weight is indeed the problem, the vet will be able to help you put together a sensible, healthy, calorie-monitored diet and exercise plan for your little one's specific nutritional needs.


Weight woes aren't the only causes of sagging feline bellies. Your pet's protruding stomach may actually be related to simple gas and flatulence. Take note of any signs that your cutie may be experiencing gas-related discomfort. Perhaps she's hunched over due to stomach pain. Maybe you're hearing a little faint growling from her lower stomach region. Her stools may have a loose and watery consistency, or she may be throwing up. If all the signs add up, gas may be at fault. Although gas is frequently associated with minor dietary issues such as eating too rapidly, it sometimes can be a sign of a bigger health condition, like inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) or food sensitivities. Consult your kitty's vet if you aren't sure why your cat is feeling gassy.


If your cat's belly is drooping, intestinal worms may be the cause, especially if she spends a lot of time outdoors. From hookworms to roundworms, intestinal parasites lead to a lot of noticeable symptoms in felines, including constipation, blood within the fecal matter, labored breathing and loss of weight. As soon as you develop any concern that your cat's round stomach may be a symptom of worms, get the poor thing to the veterinarian.

Lower Urinary Tract

A sagging belly may also point to problems with the lower urinary tract in felines. If your cat has been experiencing any urinary troubles, investigate the situation immediately. Some possible symptoms are reduced bladder control, exhaustion, trickling urine, blood within the urine and relieving herself outside the litter box. Pay close attention to your cat's belly. If it has a swollen appearance but feels hard to the touch, take her to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

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