Restlessness in Cats

Don't just dismiss your kitty's hyper behavior.
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For any devoted cat owner, the sight of a healthy, calm and happy cat is a warm and fuzzy one. If you have been noticing that your usually relaxed feline is behaving especially restlessly, it could be related to a multitude of different issues, from estrus to illness.

Underlying Health Issues

Abnormal restlessness in cats can sometimes point to a range of health issues, including mange, the rabies virus, heart disease and cognitive difficulties in elderly felines. Pay attention to any other symptoms your cat may be displaying along with restlessness, as they may indicate an underlying illness. If you suspect that your pet's restlessness is health-related, schedule an appointment with your veterinarian immediately.


You are probably aware that you should not feed chocolate in any form to cats -- or dogs, for that matter. If by accident your sweet kitty consumes any chocolate, it could lead to a type of intoxication caused by the stimulant caffeine. Along with excessive restlessness, other signs that a cat swallowed chocolate include throwing up, stomach pain, extreme thirst and convulsions. If you believe this may be the case, waste no time -- get your pet emergency veterinary attention immediately.


For female cats, uncharacteristic restlessness often points to the heat cycle, also known as "estrus." If you have not spayed your queen cat, heat is certainly a possibility. When a female is in heat, she calls out to tomcats in an attempt to inform them that she is indeed ready to mate. You may notice signs such as restlessness, pacing, trying to run away and severe agitation. Get your cat fixed if this is the case -- she will thank you for it later! Pregnancy can be very physically taxing on cats.


Restlessness also may mean that your cat just isn't getting enough physical activity. She may have a little pent up energy that she just wants to let out. If this is the case, it has an easy solution. Help your kitty move her body around by encouraging playtime aerobic activities. Buy her a toy mouse and let her chase it around, for example. Set up a cat tree so she can hone her jumping skills. Also, although cats aren't often associated with learning tricks, they certainly can. Get your feline active by showing her how to sit up. Not only will your cat let off some steam, she will enjoy some quality time with you. A win-win indeed.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

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