How to Relieve Puppy Constipation

Treat your puppy's constipation with a few simple techniques.
i puppy image by SKYDIVECOP from

Puppies can become constipated for many reasons, but most often poor diet is to blame. Symptoms your puppy may be constipated include lethargy, straining while trying to eliminate or occasionally producing small hard droppings. If your puppy is suffering from constipation, there are many ways you can relieve her discomfort.

Step 1

Feed your puppy a high quality commercial puppy food. High quality means the first three ingredients should contain protein sources or brown rice. Make sure you choose a puppy food that is high in fiber to ensure your puppy’s digestive tract is functioning properly. Water is an essential part of digestion; always provide fresh water for your puppy to drink throughout the day.

Step 2

Relieve your puppy's constipation with some milk. Give her ¼ to ½ cup milk with food or just to drink, once a day for two days to give a mild laxative effect and soften her bowels. The milk may cause diarrhea, but it will help your puppy's bowels to get moving again. You can also add one teaspoon of canned pumpkin or baby pumpkin food to your puppy’s food for two to three days until your puppy has a movement.

Step 3

Give your puppy plenty of exercise. Regular exercise will help your puppy’s bowels to function properly. Play provides most of your puppy’s exercise needs, but you should also take her for brief walks several times a day to ensure a healthy digestive tract.

Step 4

Rub your puppy's tummy to help her constipation. Apply a warm moist cloth to your puppy’s tummy and very gently rub in a downward motion moving slowly towards her bottom. This will help stimulate and produce a bowel movement in your puppy.

Step 5

Eliminate hairballs with an over the counter puppy hairball remedy. Many puppies like to groom themselves often and can swallow a lot of hair. This hair can slow down or block your puppy’s digestive tract. Keep your puppy's hair trimmed short to help avoid hairballs.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

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