Pugs and Runny Noses

Help your ball of fur breath again.
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Pugs often have a small amount of clear liquid running from their cute, flat noses. However, if it is thick and yellow or green, or your furry friend has more trouble than the normal snorting and snoring when breathing, you may have a problem.


Just like humans, pugs are susceptible to colds and allergies. However, the flat nose makes breathing hard enough for a pug without added mucus. While a cold that creates excess mucus is often caused by an infection of the upper respiratory system and generally goes away within a few days, allergies, on the other hand, are caused by many things a pug comes in contact with every day, like carpet, pollen, grass and dust, causing the symptoms to linger. A pug may also be allergic to shampoo or the chemicals used in his bedding.


Visiting the veterinarian and determining the cause of your pug’s running nose is key in determining which treatment is best. For instance, if it is a viral cold causing an infection, the vet may offer medication to treat the runny nose and other symptoms, like fever. For a bacterial infection, antibiotics may be necessary. Also, your vet may do blood work and run a radioallergosorbent test, or RAST, to check for specific allergies.


After determining the cause of your pug’s runny nose, your vet will provide the best course of treatment. Generally, medication may be administered via pill or liquid. When treating the symptoms, a histamine blocker, like Benadryl, may be necessary to limit the pug’s mucus production. Other treatments your vet may prescribe include corticosteroids and antibiotics. Meanwhile, clean your pug's nose with a warm cloth to remove any mucus or debris causing irritation and to help open his airway. Using a white cloth helps you keep an eye on the color of the nasal discharge as well.


Keeping the area where your pug lives clean is the first step in preventing a snotty nose. Whether he gets recurring colds or suffers from allergies, when his bed, kennel or living area is clean, he will suffer fewer outbreaks. Also, make sure your pug stays up-to-date on all vaccines, including the kennel cough vaccine, especially if she comes in contact with other animals. Also, remove possible allergen items, like shampoo or carpet, from your pug’s daily routine and see if she gets better to help eliminate the trigger.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

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