How to Neutralize Your Lawn From Dog Urine Damage

Try training your dog not to use the lawn as a toilet.
i dog looking back image by leafy from

Dog urine is packed full of nitrogen, a plant nutrient. You’d think this would be good for a lawn, but sometimes the nitrogen is so concentrated that it burns the grass rather than nourishing it.

Step 1

Provide your dog with constant free access to fresh water. Dehydration not only concentrates the urine, causing more damage to your lawn, it is also not at all pleasant or healthy for the dog.

Step 2

Train your dog to urinate in one spot, preferably not on the lawn. Alternatively, you could take the opposite tack and make sure she (and if urine damage is a problem, it’s more likely that your dog is a she since bitches tend to squat, producing a puddle of sometimes more concentrated pee, while male dogs use urine to mark their scent) doesn’t urinate in the same place every day

Step 3

Fill a bucket with water -- rain or gray water is fine -- and slosh it liberally over the spot where your dog last piddled. The urine isn’t actually toxic, so if you dilute it enough, it will nourish rather than burn the grass.

Step 4

Take up any spots where the grass appears to have died, scrape away the top half-inch of soil and reseed. You don’t need to do much else as the urine will now have soaked into the soil and dispersed to some extent, simply making the soil more fertile.

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