How to Make a Dog Lose Its Winter Coat

Brush your dog daily during shedding season.
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When your dog starts to lose his winter coat, you will probably notice hair on everything. Even short-haired breeds shed, and the hair has to go somewhere. Aggressive grooming during the spring shedding season can get that loose hair out, helping you control the hair situation.

Step 1

Spray your dog's coat with a conditioning spray or water. The conditioning spray can soften the coat and make it easier to comb, but even plain water is beneficial. When you comb a damp coat, the loose hairs don't fly all over when you comb them out, making cleanup easier.

Step 2

Remove as much loose undercoat as possible, using a coat rake. Not all dogs have an undercoat, but if your dog does, it is probably to blame for much of the loose hair floating around.

Step 3

Work through your dog's coat with a brush or comb that penetrates the coat. For a short-haired dog a bristled brush may work, while a longer-coated dog, such as a collie, may require a slicker brush or metal comb.

Step 4

Continue to comb, even after your dog is tangle-free, as long as hair comes out. There is only so much hair for your dog to shed, and once the loose winter coat is out, the shedding will stop.

Step 5

Repeat the grooming process every day until you notice the shedding has stopped. For dogs who blow their coats at the end of the winter, this process takes about a week, but don't be discouraged if it takes longer.

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