Rimadyl In Cats

Keep Rimadyl far away from your dear kitty.
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For any cat owner, the responsible thing to do is to always consult your pet's veterinarian before administering any medication. Consider Rimadyl, a mild painkiller: Its use in cats and dogs is by no means the same. Some dogs take it to great benefit. But it'll kill a cat.

What Is Rimadyl?

Rimadyl is a brand name for carprofen, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug prescribed to manage pain in dogs. Other brand names for carprofen are Imadyl, Novox and Imafen. Rimadyl is prescribed to help dogs manage discomfort and pain as a result of a wound or surgery, and to treat symptoms of chronic conditions such as arthritis and hip dysplasia. The analgesic medicine functions by preventing the appearance of prostaglandins within dogs' bodies. Apart from pain, Rimadyl aims to minimize soreness, fever and inflammation.


The United States Food and Drug Administration, as well as the drug's manufacturer Pfizer Animal Health, both warn cat owners against giving the medication to felines. The medication is not suitable for felines in any way, so keep it far away from them. If your cat accidentally receives it for any reason, call her veterinarian as soon as possible as the consequences could be harmful.

Be on the lookout for potentially emergency symptoms including dark stool, diarrhea, throwing up, bloody stool, convulsions and severe stomachache. When it comes to potentially very dangerous situations, hesitation is never, ever a good idea.

Other Pain Relief Options

Instead of Rimadyl, consult your veterinarian on suitable pain relief medications that cater to cats, too. Some options include tramadol, buprenorphine, amantadine and gabapentin. With all of the appropriate feline pain relief medications out there, there is absolutely no need to harm your cat with the dog medicine Rimadyl. Remember, your fluff ball's health and happiness depend on you -- take them seriously!


Since most cats can't talk, it sometimes isn't obvious when they are in pain. If you're unsure whether your sweet kitty needs a pain relief medication -- other than Rimadyl, of course -- look for telltale signs: exhaustion, withdrawn behavior, litter box problems, appetite loss, restlessness and depression. Of course, constant yowling and meowing are telltale signs as well. If you see any of these behaviors, get help for your kitty immediately.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

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