How Long Does It Take a Newborn Puppy to Stand Up?

Going for a walk is not in a newborn's immediate future.
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Few things are as adorable as the wibbly-wobbly first steps of a tiny puppy. This skill takes time to develop and master, meaning you'll have an unsteady little pooch taking more than a few tumbles as he literally finds his footing.

Early Maneuvering

Puppies are born seemingly before they're even finished developing completely -- they are blind, deaf and utterly helpless. For the first week or so after birth, puppies can only squirm about awkwardly as they try to maneuver near their mother to nurse. At about 2 weeks old, his eyes and ears open, and his haphazard squirming begins to become a more purposeful crawl.

First Steps

Your puppy grows practically at warp speed after birth; by his third week your little guy starts to stand on his own four paws. He's shaky at first, and may stay upright for only a few seconds, but his legs are strengthening every day. By the time he's 4 weeks old, he should start taking his first wobbly steps. His sight and hearing haven't completely developed yet, so he's still fuzzy on the details of his surroundings.

Full Speed Ahead

After your puppy celebrates his 1-month birthday, his development kicks into high gear. His various senses sharpen, and he becomes stronger and more sure on his feet. His newfound mobility gives the pooch the opportunity to wrestle and socialize with his litter mates and other members of the household, as well as explore his home. By about 2 months of age, your little puppy should be ready to head outside to do his business; house-training can begin.


A puppy is curious about the big world he finds himself in. Once he can control all four feet, he'll be off and running to check everything out. With no knowledge of the world, he has no sense of fear or danger and could get into trouble if left unsupervised. When your puppy begins walking on his own, take the time to puppy-proof the areas of the house he has access to so he'll stay safe. Cover or remove exposed cords. Keep staircases blocked and doors closed. Keep small objects he may swallow off the floor and provide safe toys to keep him occupied.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

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