Kittens With Sneezing & Dry Noses

Frequent sneezing could point to an underlying illness.
i George Doyle/Stockbyte/Getty Images

Kittens are such adorable balls of fluff that even their sneezes make you go “awwww.” But when they keep sneezing, that “awwww” could turn to a “hmmm.” The occasional sneeze isn't a concern, but constant, long-lasting sneeze attacks could point to some other medical issue.

The Nose Knows

Despite popular belief, the lack of a cold, wet nose is not the identifying mark of an ill kitten. Perfectly healthy kittens and cats often have dry noses, while those under the weather could have a nose as wet as they come. Unless your kitten's nose is so dry that skin is actually flaking off, don't let the lack of moisture concern you. What you should pay more attention to is any discharge coming out of said orifice, which definitely indicates an underlying medical issue.

Tissues Please

The occasional sneeze from your kitten could simply be the result of some dusty cat litter or a quick tickle to his sensitive sniffer. A sudden onset of a flurry of sneezes could indicate an allergic reaction to something he came into contact with. Just like humans, cats can suffer from allergies to airborne allergens, such as pollen or mold. The chemicals in a new cleaning product could trigger an allergic sneezing fit, as can cigarette smoke or perfume.

Going Viral

Your kitten's immature immune system makes it hard for him to fight off even the most harmless illness, and viruses and bacteria tend to move in quickly to party hard. Frequent sneezing is a common symptom of respiratory infections, caused by any number of viruses or bacteria. These nasty little microbes zap all the strength and energy out of your little kitten, causing lethargy, fever and decreased appetite. Secondary infections can occur, including eye infections called conjunctivitis, which require separate treatment to heal.

Bid Adieu to the Achoo

Stopping the sneezing relies on figuring out what's causing it in the first place. If your kitten starts achooing whenever you clean or after the windows were open, he may have allergies. Limiting his exposure to the allergen or offering medication will help control his reaction. If other symptoms arise in addition to the sneezing, such as appetite changes or crusty eyes, visit your vet for a proper diagnosis. Various antibiotics and medications help beat the infections to help get your kitten back on his feet.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

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