What Kind of Sound Convinces Cats to Come to You?

Cats respond better to high-pitched sounds.
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You've called “Here, kitty, kitty,” but your feline friend is nowhere to be found. You may think it's impossible to train a cat, but that's not true. However, they do things because they want to, not just to please you, so he'll be tougher to train than his canine counterpart.

Speaking His Language

Feline hearing is better than ours and it favors higher-pitched sounds. If you want your cat to pay attention to you, make your voice a little higher whenever you say his name. Repeat it to him often and he'll eventually learn that "Sir Whiskerton" is his name, and not just a random sound. This is particularly useful if you have more than one cat.

Clicker Training

Using a clicker is a great way to get Kitty to come when called. A clicker is a little plastic-and-metal device that makes a clicking noise when you press it. Give it a click and then give him a treat. Eventually you'll be able to use the clicker and he'll come out of hiding expecting a treat. If you don't have a clicker, making a clicking noise with your tongue will usually get Kitty's attention. Either way, he'll soon that a click means you want his company.

Use What He Likes

If every time you crack open a can of tuna or shake his favorite treats Kitty comes running to you, this can be a way to train him. Choose the cue you want him to come to, like calling his name or clicking your tongue, then shake up his treats. Eventually Kitty will come when you call him using your chosen sound. Always make sure you use this cue before you crinkle his food bag; otherwise he's only coming because of the promise of food, and not because you called him.

Be Consistent

Don't use the call you develop for anything else; don't click your tongue when you punish him if that's the cue you want him to know means to come to you. This will just confuse him. Practice at least once a week, but every day is even better. Aim to practice between mealtimes. This way he'll be a little hungry and more likely to respond to a food treat. Whenever he does it right, even if you no longer need to provide a treat every time, give him some love for a job well done.

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