Homeopathy for Cats With Hyperthyroidism

Thyroid glands regulate your cat's metabolism and affect his entire metabolic system.
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Hyperthyroidism is caused by an overactive thyroid gland producing excess thyroid hormones. Your veterinarian may be able to diagnose hyperthyroidism in your cat by palpating the thyroid gland, one of which is located on each side of your cat's windpipe, but more often hyperthyroidism is diagnosed by testing that reveals elevated T4 levels. Conventional treatment depends on test results. Meawhile, homeopathy is a natural whole body treatment you can administer based on symptoms rather than test results.


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A cat with hyperthyroidism often has an increased appetite even while losing weight. Restlessness, pacing and aggressiveness are common behaviors of such cats. Vomiting is not uncommon. Thinning fur around the ears, eyes and tail is a symptom. Chronic yowling at all hours of the day and night is another symptom. Clinical problems such as diabetes, heart disease, elevated liver enzymes and kidney disease are common among cats with hyperthyroidism. Occasionally chronic diarrhea, weakness and tremors occur.

Who's at Risk?

Hyperthyroidism in pet cats has been increasing significantly since the 1970s. Middle-age cats and older ones are at higher risk of developing hyperthyroidism; it seldom affects cats under 8 years old. Cats who eat canned food, especially fish and seafood flavors, are at a higher risk than those who eat dry kibble. Cats who live strictly indoors are more likely to suffer from hyperthyroidism, too. Environmental factors, individual immune systems and diet may be factors.


Classic homeopathy treats the whole body. The homeopathic treatment for cats with hyperthyroidism is Natrum muriaticum 200c, a homeopathic form of sodium chloride. Consult a veterinarian with homeopathic experience before administering anything. Herbal remedies include Astragulas, CoQ10 and impatiens flower essences. In traditional medicine, three traditional hyperthyroidism treatments exist: Methimazole, which must be given daily for life; surgery, which is expensive and risky; and radioactive iodine, treatment that costs more than $1,000.

Reduce the Risks

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Hyperthyroid cats have higher levels of polybromated diphenyl ethers in their bloodstreams. PBDEs are flame retardants commonly used on clothes, upholstery and carpets. Vacuum and dust regularly to reduce chemical-laden dust particles in your home. Avoid chemical floor and carpet cleaners. Meanwhile, cat food cans are lined with Bisphenol-A or BPA, which leaches into the fat in the cat food and enters the blood stream. Transfer leftover canned food to a safe food container.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

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