Is Febreze Dangerous to Cats?

Always research feline toxicity before purchasing household products.
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Life can be hard for an overprotective cat owner. After all, the last thing you want is for your precious pet to come into contact with potentially dangerous products in your home, whether brake fluid in the garage or chocolate in the kitchen. Thankfully, your cutie is safe with Febreze.

What is Febreze?

Febreze is an air-freshening product that aims to keep the air in your home smelling clean. Apart from classic air fresheners, Febreze also has a line of fabric odor-eliminating products. For example, if your favorite autumn jacket is smelling a little musty from being cramped into your closet too long, you can quickly spray it down with Febreze in order to get rid of the smell -- just until you get the chance to send it to the dry cleaners, of course.


If you're worried that Febreze isn't safe to use around cats, or dogs for that matter, you can relax. The ASPCA's toxicology team reports that the air freshener is free of danger, with no links between medical problems or fatalities in pets -- phew. Don't bother throwing out all of your Febreze products -- your fluffball is totally safe with them as long as you use them appropriately.

Proper Use

Although the deodorizer isn't toxic in any way to pets, it's always important to follow product instructions closely. Whether you're looking to freshen up a sweatshirt, living room rug or even a blanket, lightly and evenly spray Febreze onto a surface until it becomes a little wet. If you want to make your living room or bedroom smell as pleasant as your fabrics, spritz the freshener broadly into the air.


If your little fluffball lounged on a wet patch of Febreze, it could lead to a little bit of skin irritation -- just like most other household products out there. This is especially possible if your kitty's skin is sensitive. If irritation occurs, look out for key signs such as swelling and redness. In the event that the irritation persists, notify your cat's veterinarian of the situation.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

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