What to Expect in a Boxer Puppy's First Few Weeks of Life

The first few weeks of a boxer puppy's life are mostly spent sleeping and eating.
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Puppies' needs are few during their first weeks of life, and boxer puppies are no different. Eating, sleeping and staying warm are the three primary needs of puppies, and most of these are taken care of by their mother. It is important that newborn boxer puppies stay with their mother for the first eight weeks of their lives.

Newborn Boxer Puppies

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Newborn boxer puppies will interact with each other as well as their mother, although they are born blind and helpless. In the first 24 to 36 hours of their lives, boxer puppies will be exposed to the colostrum in their mother's milk; it's important in them receiving lifesaving antibodies and nutrients. The average weight of a newborn boxer puppy is 1 pound, and during his first few weeks he will grow rapidly.

First Four Weeks

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At 3 weeks of age, not only will boxer puppies have doubled in size, but their eyes will begin to open and their hearing will greatly improve. At this time they will begin to play with litter-mates. At 4 weeks, boxer puppies can be introduced to wet commercial food, although they will still nurse as well.

Weeks 4 to 8

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At 5 weeks, boxer puppies will become very interested in the world around them. Introduce them to as many toys and sounds as possible, to allow them to adjust at a young age. Most newborn puppies are taken to the vet for the first time between 6 and 8 weeks of age, getting their first rounds of shots and having a general checkup. At 7 and 8 weeks, they are no longer nursing and are eating a mix of wet and dry puppy food.

New Life at 8 Weeks

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Boxer puppies can begin to go to their new homes at 8 weeks of age. By this time they have become well-socialized and are on their way to being happy, trained pups. They can eat solid puppy food and begin to be house-trained. You can help your new boxer puppy adjust to his new home by bringing home some blankets or toys that smell like his litter-mates; these will remind him of his first few weeks of life.

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