Disposal of Clumping Cat Litter

Keep your cat's litter box clean to keep odors at bay.
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Those little treasures your cat leaves buried in the litter box not only stink, they can harbor bacteria and parasites. You probably want to get rid of the used litter as quickly as possible, but there are a few disposal rules to follow to ensure safety.

Step 1

Scoop feces and urine-clumped areas of the litter out of the kitty litter box, using a kitty litter scoop and dispose of it into a plastic trash bag. Sift through the remaining litter in the pan, using the scoop, to find any additional fecal matter or urine clumps.

Step 2

Tie the plastic trash bag closed using a knot or a zip tie.

Step 3

Place the closed trash bag in an outside waste bin that is out of the reach of children and animals. Used litter not only contains bacteria, it can be harmful if ingested. Ingested clumping cat litter swells in the stomach and intestines.

Step 4

Add enough fresh clumping cat litter to the kitty litter box to replace what you scooped out.

Step 5

Empty the kitty litter box completely every four to six weeks to prevent bacteria buildup and to reduce odors. You may need to replace the litter more often if you have multiple cats. Dispose of the cat litter using the method described in the previous steps. Refill the kitty litter pan with fresh clumping cat litter.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

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