How to Clean Dark Marks Under the Eyes of a Yorkie

Eye conditions and medical issues can cause tearing of the eye.
i George Doyle/Stockbyte/Getty Images

Your adorable Yorkie is prone to tear staining under the eyes. Over-the-counter products and home remedies abound, but before you apply substances to clean the dark marks under the eyes of your Yorkie, talk to your veterinarian. In the meantime, use water and keep hair away from those precious eyes.

Step 1

Observe your pup's eyes. If the tearing is chronic, make an appointment with your veterinarian. Some tearing is normal, but heavy tearing may be a symptom of other issues such as blockage, irritates, ocular problems, and corneal dystrophy.

Step 2

Wash your pup's eyes daily. Wet a soft pad or cotton ball with warm water. Gently swipe under the eye from the inner corner to the outer corner. Be careful not to get water in his eyeballs. Use a separate pad for each eye.

Step 3

Wipe the eye area again with a dry pad. This will absorb moisture left behind from the water and the tearing.

Step 4

Schedule a grooming appointment for your pup. Have the groomer trim the hair near and around your Yorkie's eyes. Don't attempt to do this yourself. Your Yorkie could move quickly and cause you to poke his eyes.

Step 5

Place an Elizabethan collar on your pup, if he is scratching his eyes. This will stop the scratching until you can visit the vet. Collars are available at pet stores.

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