Where Are the Chakras Located on a Dog?

Dogs have seven chakras, from head to tail.
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Balancing your dog's seven chakras, or energy centers, can help him lead a happier, healthier life. When open, chakras work optimally. If overactive or underactive, however, chakras can create psychological or physical problems. Three lower chakras correspond to basic survival needs, while the four upper chakras are psychological in nature.

Root Chakra

The root -- or base -- chakra has a corresponding color of red and governs survival, energy, physical stamina, a sense of safety, security and belonging. Located at the base of the spine, it rules that area of the body as well as the skeletal system, legs, feet and immune system. If open, your dog feels stable, trustful and confident. If underactive, he may feel fearful or nervous; if overactive, he may be greedy or obsessed with being secure.

Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra is orange and governs feelings and sexuality. If open, your dog expresses his feelings easily without becoming frantic. He acts loving and is open to affection. If underactive, your dog acts stiff, unemotional or guarded. If overactive, he appears to be emotional, having attachment issues or separation anxiety. This chakra is located at the lower abdomen and is connected to the reproductive organs and kidneys.

Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus chakra is located in the stomach -- solar plexus area -- and affects the digestive and nervous systems as well as the liver. Relating to the color yellow, this chakra governs identity, or how well your dog asserts himself in a group. Negatively, it relates to anger and fear. When open, your dog will seem confident, but passive and timid if it's underactive. If overactive, your dog may be domineering and aggressive.

Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is green or pink and governs love, kindness and affection and is connected to the dog's feeling of being centered. It relates to feelings of empathy, compassion or grief. Located in the middle of the chest, this chakra rules the heart, blood and lungs. When balanced, your dog will be compassionate, loving and friendly. But if underactive, he may be fearful, cold and distant.

Throat Chakra

The throat chakra is blue and governs communication. It relates to your dog's ability to be heard. When this chakra is balanced, your dog will freely and easily express himself and be easily understood. If underactive, he may seem introverted, and if overactive he may tend to bark or vocalize too much. Located at the throat, this chakra rules that area of the body as well as the ears and jaw.

Third-Eye Chakra

No, this isn't that "other" eye underneath the tail. The third-eye chakra, whose color is indigo or purple, governs insight and visualization. When balanced, your dog will be intuitive and go easily between the dog and people world. If underactive, he may be too dependent on you -- unable to think for himself -- and get confused. If overactive, he may wish to only play. Located between the brows, this chakra rules the eyes, nose and head.

Crown Chakra

The crown chakra is violet or white and is about being one with the world or the universe. Located at the top of the head, this chakra rules the head, brain and nervous system. When balanced, your dog will seem aware of the world and his place in it. If underactive, he may not fit in with other dogs. If overactive, he may be a worrier and not tend to his own doggy needs.

Balancing the Chakras

You can give your dog a "chakra healing," balancing psychological or physical issues, according to The Mystical Light, a holistic website. Simply lay your hands on your dog and take a deep breath as you imagine your hands filling with white light. Then put your hands on each chakra for three minutes as you imagine the specific chakra color. Of course, in the case of a serious health issue, always consult with a veterinarian.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

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